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dAdB dCdD dEdF dGdH dIdJ dKdL dMdN dOdP dQdR dSdT dUdV dWdX dYdZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
HETAL developers 16, 35, 37, 38
I IMPERO developers +square 16
ITNOA builders & developers 37
JG shree samarth developers 37
JYOTI builders & developers 37
KENDALE developers +triangl 37
developers 37
developers 37
MOHOD builders & developers 36
NARHARI developers 37
NAVKAR builder & developers 16, 25
NINEX developers limited 37
OMKAR developers 1
OMKAR realtors & developers 37
PIO builders & developers 37
PRIYAL developers 36
PSD ps developers 37
developers 37
S.B. builders & developers 19
SAHAJANAND developers 36, 37
SANRAJ developers & builder 36
SD SUDHAKAR developers 37
SHRIKRISHNA developers 36
SINGAL'S developers 36
SKYHIGH realtors developers 37
developers 37
SMART START FOR developers 9, 16
developers 37
SOBHA developers +arrows 11, 19, 20
SOBHA developers pvt. ltd. 6
T.G. developers 37
TANU SHREE developers india 37
TG we build T.G. developers 37
VR builders & developers 37
WDP web developers pune 42
ZAHRA developers 37
daya mk developers +buildin 19
f FALCON developers 36, 37
kwality world developers 36
shri K developers 36
developers 37
developing tomorrow +pyrami 9, 10, 13, 44, 45
developmen 42
BLOSSOMS child development 16
DES development education 41
DES UDYOG VIKAS development 41
LANDESA rural development 41, 44
M 27 rapid development e-bi 16
development 9
RDI resource development 35
development 41
ZIVEN design & development 22
ZIVENE design & development 35
career development +star 41
career development CDC 9
india development fund 36
women's development +woman 23
SHREYA developwell 37
devi 9, 16, 41
devi +woman 3
devi DARSHAN 3
device mark 32
CAVITAT personal device 8
G-TRAC gps tracking device 35
HAIKU inflation device 5
device 10
MOHINI & LOGO device of lad 30
PRICOL +device of stars 5
WELLTECK release device 37
bird device 24
devices & square 12
devices & squares 12
devices 9
S SYSTE MATIC power devices 9
devices 35
SIFYBARON net devices ltd. 16
VAISESHIKA electron devices 9
VBLOG +man woman & devices 9
VIEW TEX & devices 9
man & devices 37
miracle electronic devices 9
GOPAL BEEZ (devika) 31
devil & trident 14, 16, 25, 26, 28
BLACK DEVIL +devil & circle 34
DARKSIDE INK +devil & circl 25
R & D rebel & devil +oval 25
SIN +devil & oval 25
VASTU designers & devlopers 16
devnagar 16
16 NUMBER in devnagari 30
2-VAADI in devnagari 3
20 PRASHNA in devnagari 16
2100 KRANTI in devnagari 24
24 CARAT in devnagari 30
255 JARA SA in devnagari 3
27 KUON KA JAL in devnagari 3
30 NUMBER in devnagari 30
5 SWARAJ in devnagari +line 35, 41
8 AM in devnagari +ovals 29
devnagari 16
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